Expansion of our services
- We are furher expanding our Personal Development Program for Early Career Researchers. We are now providing a variety of seminars on research management skills (please see details), and support universities and research institutes in designing systematic personal development programs for early career researchers.
New appointments
- Dr. Iris WIECZOREK is appointed as Member of the Board of Directors of the Japan International Science and Technology Exchange Center (JISTEC)
- Dr. Iris WIECZOREK is advising the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office Japan
- Dr. Iris WIECZOREK was appointed as Member of the Evaluation Committee for the "Designated National University Corporations" of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
- Dr. Iris WIECZOREK was appointed as Member of the National Research and Development Agency Committee of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
- Dr. Iris WIECZOREK was appointed as Member of the International Strategy Committee of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Science Management in Japan & Europe
Information Tour "German Universities - Between Tradition and Innovation", Patronage: Association of Innovative University Managemeny (ANUM), Coordinator: IRIS Science Management Inc., October 21 - 26, 2013; Kick-Off-Workshop on 21 October at the Japan-German Centre Berlin (JDZB), co-organizer: the German Rectors` Conference (HRK) and ANUM, in cooperation with IRIS Science Managemeny Inc.
- Panel Discussion "Science Management in Japan & Germany", Keynote and Chair: Dr. Iris WIECZOREK, JST-DFG Symposium "Developing and Training a Human Resource for Research Management", OAG House, Tokyo, 12th June 2013
- "Background of Germany`s High International Performance in Science and Technology – Policy Reforms and its Effects", speech in Japanese by Dr. Iris WIECZOREK at the 130th meeting of the Science and Technology Policy Council, Tokyo, 17th September 2013
- "Germany`s performance in Chemistry in International Comparison", speech in Japanese by Dr. Iris WIECZOREK at the Special Symposium "The Decrease of the Share of Scientific Papers in Chemistry Originating in Japan!? What is the problem?", Annual Conference of the Chemical Society of Japan, Ritsumeikan University Biwako/Kusatsu Campus, 27th March 2013
Survey/ Report
- "Benchmarking of Universities Based on Research Papers - Japan and Germany in Comparison", NISTEP Survey in Japanese (Joint Study by Ayaka SAKA, Terutaka KUWAHARA, Iris WIECZOREK), presented by Ayaka SAKA at the 5th Science and Technology Policy Research Review Seminar, NISTEP, Tokyo, 7th December 2012